- 147 days of walking
- 2289 miles / 3683 kilometres walked
- 15.6 miles on average walked per (walking) day
- 5 pairs of boots used between us
- 0 blisters
- 12 pairs of socks used each
- 4 visits to doctors
- 5 major bug attacks, assorted
- 300-plus bed bug bites
- 3 t-shirts, 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of trousers worn each
- 17,660 photos taken
- 11 notebooks filled
- 10 items carried and never used
Fantastic and well done both of you - you are truly amazing, if slightly nuts.
Now get your ar**s back to London -we can't wait to see you!!
Muchos love
Sally & Abdu
Nuts, Moi? I hope you'll be up for going for a nice little country walk when we get back!
Back on the 23rd October - so get your diaries primed ready!
love Rae & David
What were the 10 unused items?
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